We offer you!
Type of treatments we provide:
Type of treatments we provide:
- Oral exam-preventive dental care-teeth cleaning-fluoride treatment
- Oral hygiene instructions-nutrition and diet recommendations
- Pit and fissure sealants
- Behaviour management
- Early diagnosis and repair of tooth cavities on primary and permanent dentition or other dental defects
- Pulpotomy-root canal theraphy
- Repair badly destroyed primary teeth with stainless steal crowns
- Extractions of primary-permanent teeth
- Early assessment and treatment for supernumary or congenital missing teeth
- Care of dental injuries(fractured,displaced,knocked-out-teeth)
- Treatment of fractured teeth
- Preventive orthodontics-treatment of orthodontic disorders
- Habit counseling (pacifier use and thumb sucking)
- Tooth bleaching
- Dental care in children with mental disorders